Human Resources and Development → Educator Certification → Current Educators
TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW MANY CREDITS YOU HAVE toward salary advancement or want to track your professional development courses? We've provided a way for you to track your credits --
VIEW and UTILIZE the salary advancement GUIDE to track applicable credits toward salary advancement.
VIEW this Power Point presentation (PDF) about understanding salary advancement.
ALL MARYLAND EDUCATORS must register their educator account with "The Educator Application and Certification Hub" (TEACH), Maryland's portal for educator certification. Please utilize our step-by-step guides when using TEACH!SEE the MCPS TEACH Registration Guide
SEE the MCPS TEACH Application Overview
IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER to know the current certification requirements and to complete the renewal requirements prior to the expiration of the professional certificate.
Submitting Official Transcripts, MSDE CPD Credit Slips or other Documentation
MSDE General Certificate and Certificate Renewal Information
Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask, about obtaining and renewing your MD teaching certificate.
Senior Status Exemption
Will you have "senior status" at your next renewal? Review details about this exemption.
Quick Reference-MSDE Certificate Renewal Information (PDF)
After downloading your certificate, save this notice for renewal information.
Testing: Praxis/ACTFL Information (PDF)
Information on Praxis II and ACTFL Tests (Specialty or Subject/Content Area Assessments)
Reading Coursework Requirements & Info
What are the MSDE reading requirements & where can I find the courses I need?
Local MCPS Contingencies and Requirements Information
What are local contingencies?
Salary Advancement Information
How do I move to a new salary lane if I am a contracted MCPS professional employee on the MCEA salary schedule?
Supplemental Pay (PDF)
for Guidance Counselors, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, School Psychologists & Speech Pathologists who hold a NATIONAL License/Certificate.
Adding New Endorsements to Teaching Certificate
Want to add another certification subject area to your MD teaching certificate?
MSBE License Renewal Information
for Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists & Speech Pathologists
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Certification
Frequently asked questions and contact information.