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Draft changes to Board Policy ABC, Parent and Family Involvement

The Montgomery County Board of Education is seeking comments on proposed amendments to Board Policy ABC, Parent and Family Involvement, to update processes for parent/guardian engagement in decisions affecting their students and their students’ schools. The policy has been available for comment since February 9, 2023. The public comment period will extend through September 18, 2023.

The draft amendments propose-

  • Revisions to align with updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships and findings from the MCPS Anti-Racist Audit final report
  • Name change to Policy ABC, Family-School Partnerships, to establish inclusive, culturally responsive and antiracist processes for parent/guardian engagement in decisions affecting their students and their students’ schools

 Review draft policy

Draft Policy in Other Languages:

 español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ

Current Policy in Other Languages:

Policy ABC, Parent and Family Involvement

Submit Comments

English español 中文 français Português한국어 tiếng Việtአማርኛ


Draft changes to Board Policy IJA, School Counseling

The Montgomery County Board of Education is seeking comments on proposed amendments to Board Policy IJA, School Counseling, to help the public understand the programs, services, and professionals responding to the social-emotional and mental health needs of students.

The policy has been available for comment since April 26, 2023.  The public comment period will extend through November 6, 2023.

The draft amendments propose-

  • A name change to Policy IJA, Social-Emotional and Mental Health Programming and Services for Students, to include school psychologists, school social workers, and other pupil personnel who work with school counselors to address the social-emotional and mental health needs of students,
  • Teams at each school to organize available professionals to respond to students’ needs,
  • Regular opportunities for students to meet with professionals at their schools, and
  • Communication to students to families to understand the professionals, programs and services at each school.
  1. Do you have a concern about social-emotional or mental health programs or services?
  2. Is there an issue about social-emotional or mental health programs or services that you would like the Board to address in policy?
  3. Do you have a specific comment about the draft amendments to Policy IJA? 


Draft Policy in Other Languages:

español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ

Current Policy:

Policy IJA, School Counseling Programs and Services

Submit Comments

 Englishespañol 中文 français Português 한국어tiếng Việtአማርኛ


Draft changes to Board Policy BLB, Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings

The Montgomery County Board of Education is seeking comments on proposed amendments to Board Policy BLB, Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings, to clarify key terminology, adjust certain timelines for appeals, and enhance consistency of language throughout the document in response to Board of Education requested changes to procedures. 

The policy has been available for comment since July 7, 2023.  The public comment period will extend through September 18, 2023.

The draft amendments propose-

  • “work” day and “calendar” day to align with Maryland law, and clarify that the Board or the Board’s designee may exercise discretion to extend time limits on a case-by-case basis, and
  • processes for the Board to ask the superintendent of schools to provide an explanation of decisions that are the subject of the appeal.


Draft Policy in Other Languages:

español / 中文 / français / Português / 한국어 / tiếng Việt / አማርኛ

Current Policy in Other Languages:

Policy BLB, Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings

Submit Comments

 ENGLISHespañol中文 françaisPortuguês한국어tiếng Việtአማርኛ