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Summary of Changes

2012-2013 School Year

New Policies and Regulations

JPD Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis

On October 22, 2012, the Board adopted new Policy JPD, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis. This policy promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn. The policy authorizes the school nurse and other school personnel to administer auto-injectable epinephrine to a student who is determined to be or perceived to be in anaphylaxis, regardless of whether the student has been identified as having an anaphylactic allergy or has a prescription for epinephrine from an authorized licensed health care practitioner.

Revised Policies and Regulations

ABA Community Involvement

On June 13, 2013, the Board adopted Policy ABA, Community Involvement. This policy affirms the Board’s commitment to fostering and supporting community interest and involvement in Montgomery County Public Schools, because citizen support of the schools is essential to student success.

AFA-RA Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools

On March 12, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation AFA-RA, Research and Other Data Collection Activities in Montgomery County Public Schools. This regulation has been revised to update directory information. In addition, instructions about the requirement for approval by an Institutional Review Board and the requirement to have a letter or email of support from MCPS, have been stated in the regulation itself. This addresses the need to clarify the process for prospective applicants.

BBB Ethics

On October 9, 2012, the Board amended Policy BBB, Ethics. This policy seeks to promote the highest level of ethical conduct on the part of all persons associated with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to ensure the highest public confidence in the impartiality and independent judgment of Board of Education members and school employees, and seeks to provide guidance for MCPS personnel concerning ethics-related matters.

BLB Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings

On January 8, 2013, the Board adopted Policy BLB, Rules of Procedure in Appeals and Hearings. This policy has been updated with nonsubstantive changes to conform with current statutes, style, and current practice.

CNA-RA Display and Distribution of Informational Materials and Announcements

On September 24, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation CNA-RA, Display and Distribution of Informational Materials and Announcements. This regulation has been updated to directly allow the distribution of printed materials and announcements to elementary students at least twice per year and no more than once during each marking period. Such direct distribution may not be made to middle or high school students.

CND School-Related Fund-Raising

On September 11, 2012, the Board amended Policy CND, School-Related Fund-Raising. This policy provides a framework for school-related fund-raising activities in or on behalf of Montgomery County Public Schools that safeguards instructional time, maximizes the safety of students, supports a common school experience for all students, and includes appropriate accountability provisions.

CND-RA School-Related Fund-Raising

On June 20, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation CND-RA, School-Related Fund-Raising. This new regulation was developed to implement the recently amended Board Policy CND, School-Related Fund-Raising. Regulation CND-RA establishes procedures that safeguard instructional time, maximize the safety of students, support a common educational experience for all students, and include appropriate accountability provisions.

COG-RA Portable Communication Devices

On October 23, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation COG-RA, Portable Communication Devices. This regulation has been updated to include the use of cell phones by high school students during lunch periods.

DIE-RA Travel for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Purposes

On November 8, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation DIE-RA, Travel for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Purposes. This regulation has been updated to include new definitions and reflect current practice.

DJA MCPS Procurement Practices and Bid Awards

On February 12, 2013, the Board adopted Policy DJA, MCPS Procurement Practices and Bid Awards. This policy recognizes the procurement procedures published in the Montgomery County Public Schools Procurement Manual and Maryland law, establishes limits for advertising bids and obtaining bid approval by the Board, and puts in place a process for the Board Fiscal Management Committee to review the Procurement Manual. Policy DJA was combined with Policy DJB, Bid Awards. Policy DJB has been rescinded.

DNA-RA Disposition of Board of Education Property

On August 21, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation DNA-RA, Disposition of Board of Education Property. This regulation has been updated to reflect current practice.

GCA-RA Employee Conflict of Interest

On April 17, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation GCA-RA, Employee Conflict of Interest. This regulation has been updated to reflect changes in Board Policy BBB, Ethics. Changes have been made about outside employment; employment while on leave; tutoring; supervision of persons with whom the employee has a relationship; children attending a school where a parent or relative serves as a staff member; and use of persons, money, or property for private gain.

IGN Preventing Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Abuse in Montgomery County Public Schools

On June 13, 2013, the Board adopted Policy IGN, Preventing Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Abuse in Montgomery County Public Schools. This policy provides a framework for creating and maintaining a safe environment for teaching, learning, and working within Montgomery County Public Schools that is free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

IGT-RA User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security

On July 27, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation IGT-RA, User Responsibilities for Computer Systems, Electronic Information, and Network Security. This regulation has been updated to comply with the August 12, 2011, action by the Federal Communications Commission requiring specific updates of Internet safety policies.

ILA-RA Assessments with Security and Reporting Requirements

On March 12, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation ILA-RA, Assessments with Security and Reporting Requirements. This regulation has been updated to reflect current practice and renamed. The revisions are the work of the Countywide Final Exam workgroup and provide guidance for managing, administering, and reporting non-statewide assessments (e.g. countywide final exams, other assessments developed by MCPS, and assessments from private vendors).

IOD-RA English for Speakers of Other Languages

On August 22, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation IOD-RA, English for Speakers of Other Languages. This regulation has been updated to reflect current terminology and current practices, including identifying and evaluating students, providing accommodations, awarding credit, and exiting students from the program.

ITA-RA School Library Media Programs

On January 25, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation ITA-RA, School Library Media Programs. A new section about the professional library has been added to incorporate functions previously addressed in Regulation IIC-RA, Services of the Department of Instructional Resources, which has been rescinded.

JEC-RA Student Withdrawals from Classes and School

On September 24, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation JEC-RA, Student Withdrawals from Classes and School. This regulation has been updated to include new language in Section B regarding processing students for permanent withdrawal. Responsible offices have also been updated.

JEE-RA Transfer of Students

On December 20, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation JEE-RA, Transfer of Students. Directory information has been updated as well as the Change of School Assignment (COSA) process for students receiving Special Education.

JHG-RA Gangs, Gang Activity, or Other Similar Destructive or Illegal Group Behavior

On September 4, 2012 the superintendent approved Regulation JHG-RA, Gangs, Gang Activity, or Other Similar Destructive or Illegal Group Behavior. This regulation has been updated according to information received from the Maryland State Department of Education. The major change by the state is that upon receipt of a Gang-Related Incident Report, the principal or designee, assistant principal, and the school security officer shall initiate an investigation within 24 hours.

JPD-RB Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis

On June 20, 2013 the superintendent approved Regulation JPD-RB, Emergency Care for Students Experiencing Anaphylaxis . The regulation title and content have been updated in response to recent changes in Maryland law requiring schools to establish procedures to provide emergency medical care to any student determined to be or perceived to be experiencing anaphylactic reaction.

Rescinded Policies and Regulations

DJB Bid Awards

On February 12, 2013, the Board rescinded Policy DJB, Bid Awards. Language from this policy was combined with Policy DJA, MCPS Procurement Practices and Bid Awards.

IIC-RA Services of the Department of Instructional Resources

On January 22, 2013, the superintendent approved the rescission of Regulation IIC-RA, Services of the Department of Instructional Resources. The department described no longer exists and the services described no longer reflect current practice. Language relevant to the professional library has been drafted into a revised Regulation ITA-RA, School Library Media Programs. Other functions are addressed in Regulation IIB-RA, Evaluation and Selection of Instructional Materials and Library Books.

IOF-RA Enrollment of High School Students at Montgomery College

On December 6, 2012, the superintendent approved the rescission of Regulation IOF-RA, Enrollment of High School Students at Montgomery College. The language in the regulation no longer reflects current practice. Current practices involving MCPS students attending college are addressed in Regulation ISB-RA, High School Graduation Requirements.

LIA-RA Evaluation and Accreditation of Senior High Schools

On July 27, 2012, the superintendent approved the rescission of Regulation LIA-RA, Evaluation and Accreditation of Senior High Schools. Montgomery County Public Schools ceased pursuing Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools accreditation in 2009.