Phone:Ā (240)740-3230
If you have questions regarding your studentās special education rights or your procedural safeguards while Montgomery County Public Schools and offices are closed, you may email the Resolution and Compliance Unit at RACU@mcpsmd.org.
The Resolution and Compliance Unit (RACU) monitors and supports the provision of procedural safeguards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004). RACU seeks to engage parties with cooperative problem solving of disputes regarding the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or provision of a free Ā appropriate public education (FAPE) for a student with a disability or suspected of having a disability under IDEA.
The major functions and activities of RACU are carried out through the following services:
The MSDE Family Support Section of the Family Support and Dispute Resolution Branch, responds to parent inquiries, assists parents with navigating Maryland's early intervention and special education systems, and provides parents with school system resources.
MSDE contact:
Ken Hudock
Section Chief, Family Support Services
Maryland State Department of Education
Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
410-767-0255 or kenneth.hudock@maryland.gov