To meet the service-learning needs of our students and offer an array of SSL opportunities, students may earn Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for virtual/remote service completed from home under the sponsorship of an approved nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member. Students may engage in specific virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities that follow the MCPS SSL Guidelines for Virtual/Remote SSL Opportunities outlined below.
School-hosted virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities will be communicated by school staff to the students involved. Nonprofit-hosted virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities will be posted on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center and tagged with the blue MCPS SSL banner and graduation cap. Students may also continue to earn SSL hours for traditional in-person MCPS SSL opportunities offered by a nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member in a public space under the direct supervision of a nonprofit representative or MCPS school staff member.
Student participation in any MCPS SSL opportunity is at the discretion of the student’s parent/guardian. The nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member is responsible for maintaining student safety and privacy. The nonprofit organization or MCPS school staff member will determine the number of SSL hours awarded based on the evidence submitted by the student. Parents/guardians should contact the nonprofit supervisor or MCPS school staff member directly with any questions and/or concerns about a specific MCPS SSL opportunity.
Learn more in this presentation detailing the state of Maryland and MCPS requirements for SSL, how students can earn SSL hours, and an overview of the MCPS SSL program and its resources.
Please carefully review the MCPS SSL guidelines created to ensure that any virtual/remote service maintains the safety and privacy of our students and adheres to the proper supervision and monitoring needed for SSL as a state graduation requirement.
Students may earn SSL hours for virtual/remote MCPS SSL opportunities under the sponsorship of a nonprofit representative or MCPS school staff member adhering to the following guidelines:
Students may NOT earn SSL hours for the following activities:
Students should email the completed SSL form directly to the school’s SSL coordinator:
All SSL forms for service completed from the summer of 2019, 2019-2020 school year, and summer of 2020 should be emailed to the school’s SSL coordinator.
If you have any questions about these guidelines or the MCPS SSL program, please contact your school’s SSL coordinator or the SSL Dropbox at