Welcome Kindergarteners 2023

This page is currently under construction! Updated information coming soon...

Registration for the 2023-24 School Year will begin on March 27.
Kindergarten Orientation is scheduled for April 20 for students who will turn 5-years old by September 1, 2023.  Orientation sessions will be approximately 45 minutes long.  Families are expected to register in advance.  Additional information will be provided below by March 1.

Welcome Kindergarteners 2023!

We invite all of our incoming kindergarten families to watch our Virtual Information Night that was held for parents in May.  During our presentation, parents had the opportunity to meet Beall staff, learn about our kindergarten programs, and hear strategies for helping your 5-year old prepare for the transition into kindergarten. Click here to watch our 45-minute presentation.

We are very excited that you will have a kindergartener joining us this fall!  We wanted to share a couple of opportunities that will help you prepare for the upcoming school year.  Please make sure you review all information to learn about exciting opportunities for your child!

Kindergarten Orientation- August 19- Register for an Orientation Session
All incoming kindergarten students are invited to participate in our Kindergarten Orientation program scheduled for Friday, August 19.  Each 30-45 minute session will provide incoming students with the opportunity to visit a classroom, participate in kindergarten activities, and meet a few other students who will also be starting kindergarten.   Beall staff will provide parents with an overview of the first week of school, review general expectations, and respond to parent questions. Upon arriving, parents and incoming students will be directed to the school’s All Purpose Room.  After a brief staff introduction, students will be escorted to the classroom with our kindergarten teachers for approximately 30 minutes. 
IMPORTANT: Click here to register for an Orientation Session.

  • Student enrollment must be complete in order to register for this event. 

Sneak Peek- August 26
All Beall families are invited to visit the building on Friday, August 26, for a quick visit.  Families will be able to see classrooms and explore the building for approximately 30-45 minutes.  No registration is required.  Additional information will be provided in our Summer Newsletter.

Kindergarten Jump Start
Students will have opportunities to engage in a series of self-paced online and hands-on learning experiences during the program to help prepare them for Kindergarten in the Fall. The program has 20 days’ worth of activities. We begin August 1st and continue through the beginning of the school year.  Click here to register.  For more information please visit: bit.ly/kjumpsite.

Kindergarten Information Video
This video provides basic information about what to expect and how families can prepare for kindergarten during the summer.  The 45-minute presentation is hosted by current kindergarten teachers.  It was recorded as a live presenation allowing parents to submit questions.

Summer Newsletter
Our Summer Newsletter will be available on Beall’s Website and shared via email by August 12.  This newsletter includes general information, bus schedules, and important dates.

Summer Play Dates sponsored by Beall PTA

Beall PTA attempts to host summer playdates for incoming kindergarten students on Beall's playground.  This is a great opportunity for your child to meet other students who will also be entering kindergarten prior to the start of the school year.  Additional information will be sent if this activity is scheduled for summer 2022.


Upper playground at Beall Elementary

A few things to keep in mind:
This is an unofficial PTA event, not a school sponsored event, so we will not have access to the building. This includes water fountains and bathrooms.  There is relatively little shade on the playground so please plan accordingly (bring water bottles). 

Questions can be directed to...


We look forward to welcoming all of our new dragons into the Building in August.