About Bradley Hills ES

Bradley Hills Elementary School Pledge

I am an important part of Bradley Hills.

I pledge to make good choices in all I do and say.

I pledge to do my very best in every single way.

I believe in my teachers.

I believe in my classmates.

But most of all, I believe in myself.

I will work hard today, so I will be smarter tomorrow.



Karen Caroscio Principal and Sara Ajisafe Assistant Prinicpal

Meet the Office Staff 



Ruth Donnellan Attendance Secretary and Linda Schultz Administration Secretary


School Hours

Regular school hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:25 p.m.

On Early Release days, dismissal time is 12:55 pm.



Meet our Building Services Team and Support Staff



Dora Molina, Alicia Rodriguez, Building Services Manager, 

Amalfi Gaviria, Building Services Assistant Manager, and Irene Rodriguez



Meiling Chen, Food Services Manager