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Reading Fluency

One of the most important aspects of reading is reading fluency. A child is a fluent reader if his reading sounds like speech. Fluent readers are generally able to decode rapidly and the easy manner in which they read, helps them comprehend the material as opposed to struggling over each word and consequently forgetting what is read. Here are some ways to help your youngster read fluently.

  1. Be a role model-when you read to your child, have him read along with you.
  2. Choose the right book-the book the child is reading should be one that is easy for him to read with few unknown words. If he is having trouble reading smoothly, choose an easier book.
  3. Use expression-Encourage your child to sound excited when he sees an exclamation point or her voice should go up when she sees a question mark. Periods are considered stop signs where we pause briefly to indicate this mark in the text.
  4. Have fun reading with your child!

Volunteers Needed

...for our Read Naturally tutoring program. You can decide a convenient time and date and we will pair you with a student (any grade level...2 through 5th) to build reading fluency. This involves one hour per week. As a tutor, you will use a timer to time a student reading an unfamiliar passage. After three repeated readings along with a tape, students are retimed. Experience success as students chart their progress. Training session will be provided. Please contact us if you are interested.