The Revolutionary War 
- Timeline of the Revolution
- Timeline- 1754 to 1782 and Beyond
- Quick Revolutionary War Tour
- Basics of the Revolutionary War
Before the War
- Sugar Act
- Stamp Act and Townshend Act
- Boston Massacre
- Boston Tea Party 1,2
- First Continental Congress
1775: The War Begins
1776: Year of Independence
1777 and Beyond
- Biographies of American Founding Fathers
- Colonial Portrait Gallery
- Liberty Kids...Who?
- History Central
- Notable Women of Early America
- 300 Women Who Changed the World
- How-to Read a 200-year old Document
- America's Freedom Documents
- How Newspapers Covered the French and Indian War
- Writings of Early America
- High Tea in Boston Harbor
- Independence
- Dark Hour for the Rebels
- Burgoyne Surrenders at Saratoga
- Yorktown is Won
- Congress Adds a Bill of Rights to the Constitution