News and Announcements
Edison Open House, October 19th
Joins us on October 19th from 6:30pm-8:00pm for our annual Open House event! All MCPS families are welcome to come learn about Edison's programs, meet our career and technology teachers and community partners.
¡Acompáñenos el 19 de octubre de 6:30 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. para nuestro evento anual, 'Casa Abierta'! Todas las familias de MCPS son bienvenidas a venir a conocer los programas de Edison, nuestros maestros, y a nuestros socios comunitarios.
Edison Back-to-School Night
Please join us at Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 7th from 6:30pm-7:30pm. You will have the opportunity to meet your student's teacher and learn more about the unique goals and opportunities available to your student.
Are you a new Edison student? Eres estudiante nuevo a Edison?
Join us for New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 24th from 2:00pm-3:00pm. Acompáñenos a la Orientación para Estudiantes Nuevos el jueves 24 de agosto de 2:00 p.m. a 3:00 p.m.
Guidance for Receiving Articulated Credit at Montgomery College
Edison graduates who will or are attending Montgomery College who earned a "B" or higher in their Edison program may receive articulated credit. To do so, click HERE; scroll down to find your MC program then complete the "Credit Award Form". Bring the form, an official transcript from your home school, along with all other listed necessary documents indicated for your MC program to Mr. Awkard, School Counselor, or Ms. Malleck, CCIC, in the main office. You may also complete this process with your homeschool counselor.