Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I find more specific information about course offerings, academic calendar, sports teams, music program, drama program, and more?

    We encourage you to explore the website, where you will find all of this information, and answers to many additional questions, as well as contact information for school offices and departments, and PTSA Officers, who are available to help you!

  • The school is so big. How will I find my way around?

    Thursday, August 25th there will be a half-day orientation for all new students, where you will experience a “practice day” and meet classmates and teachers during a picnic. You will receive notification of these events in the mail this summer.

  • I want to try out for a fall sport. When do tryouts start?

    Tryouts begin on   The full tryout/practice schedule can be found here.  Check out individual team pages on for more information. Please note that sports practices are held daily for approximately two hours after school.

  • Are there any clubs or organizations?

    Einstein students are involved in about 80 clubs (a list of extra-curricular activities is on the website). Most meet during lunchtime. There is a club fair early in the school year to introduce new students to these activities. There are also extensive arts programs, with opportunities to participate in Music, Theater and Arts performances and shows.

  • What are the school hours?

    Einstein HS begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 2:30 p.m. There are seven class periods each day. For a detailed schedule go to the "About Us-Bell Schedule" section of the website.