
PHS College Board code: 210825

How to Prepare Your Students for the 2024 AP Exams



AP Parent Webinar (video)

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AP Parent Webinar (slides)




By now, your student should have received a Join Code to sign up for their AP exams.  If they have not, please have your student contact their AP subject teacher to receive the Join Code.  Students need to register for their AP exams by NOV 8th on The College Board website.  Payment, however, should be made via the PHS SCO system.  Any registration after this time will incur a $41.75 ($40+processing fee) late fee from College Board. The College Board is NOT waving late sign-up fees this year. 

**Students only incur a late fee if they join/register for an AP class section after Nov 8th.  Joining the AP class before Nov 8th, but paying for the exam after Nov 8th does not incur a late fee.**

MCPS is paying for all AP exam fees this school year, 23-24, as long as the AP class exists on the student's schedule.  Students that choose to self-study for an AP exam are responsible for the fees associated with that exam.  Payment is due at the time of registration, but no later than March 10, 2024.  After March 10, 2024, all outstanding fees become an obligation.  Payment plans are available upon request.  If you would like to schedule a payment plan, please contact Mr. McKenna or Ms. Brooks at  

Have you ordered and paid for an AP exam?  Follow these steps if you don’t know the answer!

  1. Sign into your AP Classroom on the website:  If you can’t remember the password you will have to reset it.  In all likelihood you will need your password this year in order to take the exams.
  2. Look to see which exams you have ordered by subject, the information is on the website.  You can be part of a class and not have ordered the exam, but the information is there either way.
  3. Then go to the PHS SCO system (link on school website under PHS Quick Links) at School Cash Online (SCO)

AP Exam Schedule

Music Schedule

 Exams dates and times are also listed in your student's College Board account.

Contact if you have further questions.  

AP Course Overview

Click HERE to see College Board descriptions of AP Courses.

Will the College I plan to attend accept my AP Scores? 

Click HERE to use a College Board tool to help answer this question! 

AP Test Results

AP scores are available on online starting in early July.  To get scores, students must sign into their College Board accounts by going to  


AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.