Advanced Engineering Academy

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a national program designed to increase the number and quality of engineers graduating from the education system in America. PLTW has developed a four year program that when combined with mathematics and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor, and discipline of engineering and technology prior to entering college. The PLTW program at Poolesville High School has received an Outstanding Program of Excellence Award for the State of Maryland.



Paul Dethlefsen, IED & ES Teacher

David Hill, IED & DE Teacher

Johny Sozi, POE Teacher

Terry Young, POE & EDD Teacher


  • Parents and Community Members - we are always looking for volunteers to help with our partnership team that supports PLTW in many ways: clubs, guest speakers, mentoring, job shadowing, internships, etc. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Mr. Terry Young, the PLTW Coordinator at PHS, by email: or by phone: 240-740-2400.


Course Descriptions 

Introduction to Engineering Design 

Students dig deep into the engineering design process, applying math, science, and engineering standards to hands-on projects like designing a new toy or improving an existing product. They work both individually and in teams to design solutions to a variety of problems using 3-D modeling software and use an engineering notebook to document their work

Principles of Engineering 

Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics including mechanisms, the strength of structure and materials, and automation.  Students develop skills in problem-solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.  This course helps students understand the field of engineering/engineering technology. Exploring various technology systems and manufacturing processes helps students learn how engineers and technicians use math, science, and technology in an engineering problem-solving process to benefit people. 


Digital Electronics 

From smartphones to appliances, digital circuits are all around us. This course provides a foundation for students who are interested in electrical engineering, electronics, or circuit design. Students explore the foundations of computing by engaging in circuit design processes to create combinational and sequential logic. They are exposed to circuit design tools that electrical engineers use in industry, including logic gates, integrated circuits, and programmable logic devices. Computer simulation software is used to design and test digital circuitry prior to the actual construction of circuits and devices.

Environmental Sustainability

In Environmental Sustainability, students investigate and design solutions in response to real-world challenges related to clean and abundant drinking water, food supply, and renewable energy. Applying their knowledge through hands-on activities and simulations, students research and design potential solutions to these true-to-life challenges.

Engineering Design and Development 

The knowledge and skills students acquire throughout PLTW Engineering come together in this course.  Students apply principles developed in the four preceding courses and are guided by a community mentor.  They work in teams as they identify a real-world challenge and then research, design, construct a solution (prototype) to an open-ended engineering problem, test the solution, and ultimately present their unique solution.



 Maureen & Howard Blitman, Promotes Minorities in Engineering 

 Online Education Database Listing Listing 

 Society of Women Engineers 

 Northrop Grumman Engineering Scholarships 


NIH Summer Internships 

NIST Summer Program 

Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) 

Engineering Associations 

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Scholarship Information  

International Technology and Engineering Educators Association (ITEEA) 
Scholarship and Award Information  

Society of Women Engineers

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)
Scholarship Information  

Technology Education and Engineering Association of Maryland (TEEAM) 

Technology Student Association 

Scholarship Information