Welcome to the first edition of the MYP Minute for Richard Montgomery High School! This monthly communication will be sent to all 9th and 10th grade parents and guardians on or around the 15th of the month during the 2023-2024 school year. The goal of this newsletter is to keep you informed of the events and activities that are taking place in the school with a focus on our MYP students. All 9th and 10th graders at Richard Montgomery participate in the IB Middle Years Programme. If you’re new to the MYP, the MYP Guide for Parents is a brief summary of the hallmarks of the program.

It was great to have so many parents in attendance at the “IB 101” session on Back to School Night. If you missed our presentation, you can access it here.

Upcoming events

  • September 27 - 10th Grade Parent Meeting 6:00 PM - Auditorium
  • October 10 - PSAT Day - All 10th grade students take the official PSAT

Learner Profile of the Month

The IB Learner Profile is a set of ten traits that are the focus of students’ personal development in all IB programs. In the month of September, the Richard Montgomery community is focusing on activities and events that support the IB Learner Profile trait of “risk takers.” As IB learners:

We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

School Spotlight - Our Wellbeing Focus

Over the past two years, our area of focus for IB Programme Development has been on enhancing student wellbeing. The school’s Wellness Committee has made this their renewed focus for this year with four key themes for the four quarters of the school year. These themes are also aligned to our learner profiles of the month. The table below captures our focus for the four quarters this year. 


MP1: Show Up 

“Eighty percent of life is showing up.”

IB Learner Traits: 

Risk takers (Sept), Balanced (Oct)

Activities and Education will focus on sending the following messages:

  • Showing up every day is the foundation of success
  • We are glad that you are here.
  • We see each one of you 
  • RM wouldn’t be the same without you

MP2: Stay Put

“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”

IB Learner Traits:

Principled (Nov), Reflective (Dec), Thinkers (Jan)

Activities and Education will focus on sending the following messages:

  • Staying put when things get hard is important
  • Perseverance and sticking with something is part of being successful
  • Things that are valuable are not always easy, you have to put in the time
  • We know some days are hard

MP3: Stick Together

“Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant”

IB Learner Traits:

Communicators (Feb), Caring (Mar)

Activities and Education will focus on sending the following messages:

  • We are here for you
  • We have your back
  • You are not in this alone
  • We will succeed together

MP4: Success

“Sometimes the struggle is what makes success even sweeter.”

IB Learner Traits: 

Knowledgeable (Apr), Inquirers (May)

Activities and Education will focus on sending the following messages:

  • You did it!
  • You are capable!
  • Be proud, you can do amazing things!


Personal Project Information

All 10th graders at Richard Montgomery work on a project of independent inquiry called a Personal Project. The purpose of this project is for students to set an independent goal that they wish to achieve in the course of the school year and to document their process of learning along the way. Students should choose topics in which they have a personal interest. 

This year, this is being supported by structured lessons in content area classes and through Homerooms. Parent information is located on the Personal Project website, and there is an introductory video to give you a sense of what the project is, how we support students through the process and how you can support them further at home.


The IB Middle Years Programme at Richard Montgomery High School

Building successful, engaged students and citizens

through collaboration, communication and critical thinking

Molly Clarkson, Coordinator


Phone (240) 740-6165

Twitter - @RMHSMYP