Pin Policy
Students order their lunch each morning by 9:00. Students have two choices for lunch each day. We normally send home the monthly menu with the newsletter. There is also a link below to access the county menu. Lunch costs $2.55 and Breakfast costs $1.30. It is possible to purchase milk or juice separately. Parents have the option of sending a lunch to school with their children, sending money (correct change, please) with their children, or putting money in each child’s SNAP account.
The SNAP program was implemented a number of years ago. Each student has a PIN number, which the student must learn. This PIN number does not change, and the account can be moved with the student if the student moves within the school system, and naturally, this money carries over from year to year.
If the occasion occurs that a student does not have his or her lunch or does not sign up for lunch, the student will be provided with a lunch.
Parents are encouraged to develop daily evening routines with their children that result in each child being prepared for school, which includes decisions about lunch and the completion of homework at night before the child goes to bed.
Lunchtime Questions
How much does lunch cost?
Lunch- $2.55
Breakfast- $1.30
Is possible to eat lunch with my child at school?
Yes. Parents can arrange to eat lunch with their child by sending a note to their child’s classroom teacher. In that same note, they can ask the teacher to order lunch from the cafeteria or parents can call the cafeteria manager directly (cost of adult lunch $2.85). Parents can also bring their lunch with them. However, it is important that parents notify the teacher, because it is not unusual for classroom teachers to give up part of their lunch time to work with individual students who need additional help.
Parents, when they arrive at school to eat lunch, need to inform the office when they arrive. Parents should sign the guest book, collect a badge, and wait in the lobby for their child’s class to arrive.
Is it possible to take my child out for lunch on that “extra special occasion” when out of town guests come to visit?
Yes. Parents, when they arrive to take their child out of school for lunch, need to inform the office when they arrive. Someone in the office will contact the classroom teacher to have the child come to the office and meet them. Parents will need to both sign the child out and in on the attendance roster in the office.