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Antiracist System Action Plan

This Antracist System Action Plan was presented to the Board of Education on May 11, 2023. The plan is designed to address the findings and recommendations from the Antiracist System Audit.

The Antiracist System Action Plan includes action steps and timelines, and is organized into three sections:

  • System-level Actions
  • Domain-specific Actions
  • School-level Actions

The plan has been developed to remove the barriers that impact our most marginalized students. It is designed to address the report's recommendation that the successful planning and implementation of a districtwide racial equity vision requires coherence, accountability, equity centered capacity building, continuous data collection and relational trust.

Antiracist System Action Plan: pdf
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We Want Your Feedback

The Antiracist System Action Plan will never be final because one aspect of being antiracist is to demonstrate an everyday commitment to reflection on our beliefs, practice, and interactions. And while the action plan is comprehensive, it is impossible to address all the findings and recommendations at once. That said, the plan will adapt as we get more feedback and learn successes and challenges.

Please give us your feedback. Opportunities for community conversations will be added here.

Antiracist System Action Plan Feedback Survey

Other Linked Resources

Detailed Deliverables, Action Steps and Timeline

Antiracist Audit Website