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Youth Apprenticeship

MCPS Youth Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship Maryland Program


Apprenticeship Maryland is a youth apprenticeship program for students, ages 16 and up, that is designed to lead to sustainable employment and further education based on a student’s selected career.  This program was developed in partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) and the Maryland Department of Labor (MDoL).

The program is designed to create compensated, high-quality youth apprenticeships that prepare students to enter employment in high-skilled, high-growth sectors.  MCPS was approved to offer this Youth Apprenticeship Program in 2019.  Students from all 25 comprehensive high schools may participate.

Participating students start the program in the summer or fall of their junior or senior year and must complete at least 450 hours of work-based training under the supervision of an eligible employer and at least one year of related instruction.

Benefits for Students

Enter the workforce while still in high school;
Earn a salary;
Learn from a highly skilled mentor;
Receive a State Skill Certificate as a result of meeting all the state program standards;
Have the opportunity to continue in the career field after graduation.

Benefits for Employers

Build your workforce.

Youth apprenticeships train workers in the specific skills needed by your company.

Connect to the talent of the future.

Youth apprenticeships are a great way to develop a pipeline of talented, high-skilled workers to help your business grow.

Contribute to your bottom line.

You will see a noticeable contribution to your company through these highly productive and motivated employees.

knowledge transfer
Plan for employee succession.

Youth apprenticeships help you successfully facilitate the transfer of knowledge from experienced employees to new recruits.

Contact Us

Mr. Shawn Krasa
Work Based Learning, Supervisor
Phone: 240-801-0919


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