About the Program The IB Career-related Programme (CP) is designed for students interested in pursuing a career-related education in the 11-12th grade. It provides students with an excellent foundation to support their further studies, as well as ensure their preparedness for success in the workforce. The CP framework is composed of IB Academic Courses and three CP Core components: Personal and professional skills; service learing; and the reflective project. The following career pathways are offered in the program: Academy of Finance, Hospitality Management, Academy of Health Professions and Bioscience, Early Child Development, Computer Science/Code.org, and Project Lead the Way (PLTW): Advanced Engineering.
See Program descriptions at Watkins Mill High School:
IB Career-Related Diploma
Forms and timelines for the new programs will be posted in early January 2018 at https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/schoolchoice/. Updates and information will be provided on the MCPS Career Readiness website.
MCPS will provide transportation for students who transfer to the school to enroll in this program. In addition to Watkins Mill High School, a limited number of students from the following high school clusters are eligible to apply: Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, and Seneca Valley.* MCPS will provide transportation for students who transfer to the school to enroll in this program.
*Additional high school clusters may be available, depending on space and transportation.