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GT/LD Discrete Services Frequently Asked Questions

What are the current locations for GT/LD services?

Discrete GT/LD services are located in the following schools. Assignments to middle and high school locations are based on the student’s home address:

  • Elementary (Grades 3-5)
    Lucy V. Barnsley
  • Middle (Grades 6-8)
    Roberto Clemente
    Col. E. Brooke Lee
    North Bethesda
  • High (Grades 9-12)
    Walter Johnson
    Watkins Mill

Which students are good candidates for the GT/LD services?


  • have an educational disability that impacts the area(s) of reading, writing, and/or mathematics. Often, students also are impacted in the areas of organization/executive functioning, self-esteem, and/or attention;
  • have a pattern of strengths and weaknesses strongly consistent with that of a GT/SLD learner (see checklist);
  • are intellectually gifted and demonstrate superior cognitive reasoning ability (e.g., standard score of 120 or above on the WISC- Full Scale IQ, General Ability Index, Verbal Comprehension Index, or Perceptual Reasoning Index); and
  • need an educational setting that incorporates best practices for teaching GT/LD students, including access to accelerated and enriched curriculum, increased specialized instruction and support, and intervention for the learning difficulties.

Note: While services can vary and are determined by the student’s IEP team, intensive behavioral or emotional supports, interventions, and services are not part of the design of the GT/LD service model.

What is the process for referring a student to a GT/LD service model?

  • Schools first consult with their OSSI Director or Learning and Achievement Specialist and special education supervisor when considering placements outside of the local school setting. The “Protocol for Requests for Twice Exceptional Student Support” (located in the guidebook) provides guidance about the placement process.
  • OSSI contacts the Twice Exceptional Instructional Specialist for additional support or placement.
    • Direct school requests for consultation must be signed by the Principal and the special education supervisor
    • This consultation may help to identify resources to support the student in the least restrictive environment.    
    • This may include support for the home school or placement in a GT/LD program.
  • A school-based IEP team meeting will be held, as needed. The cluster special education supervisor or instructional specialist and program specialists need to be involved in this process. All available information, including information from the parents, will be reviewed in order to make a final determination regarding appropriate special education services and to determine the appropriate placement for the student.
  • For more information on CPS, EMT, and special education procedures, see the Problem Solving for Student Success guide.

What do these students need?

  • Challenging instruction in their areas of strength
  • Instruction to improve the areas of weakness
  • Individualized accomodations
  • Case management and social/emotional support

Is a twice exceptional consultation required prior to placement?

  • No, consultation provides school staff with instructional recommendations and strategies to support and challenge the student in their current educational environment.
  • School staff can request consultation for individual students.
  • If parents feel this support is needed, they may suggest that the team make the request.