Many Americans may be suffering from unrecognized deficiencies of vitamin D. Most people in the U.S. get vitamin D from food and sun exposure but it is well below the recommended intake, especially during winter.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin found in food. It can also be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. UV rays trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin. Some important facts about vitamin D:
For more practical information on vitamin and supplements, please go to the Adventist Healthcare website.
Washington Post, Science News, NIH - Office of Dietary Supplements, WebMD and Washington and Shady Grove Adventist Hospitals . The Health Tip of the Week is for educational purposes only. For additional information, consult your physician. Please feel free to copy and distribute this health resource.
Shady Grove Adventist Hospital is located at 9901 Medical Center Drive in Rockville . For more information, go to To find a local physician, call 1-800-642-0101 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.