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Department of Materials Management

We are proud to support our schools by providing everything from breakfast and lunch to instructional materials and classroom furniture!




Division of Food and nutrition Services





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An interactive e-publication for every school.

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All MCPS Staff - Warehouse Wednesdays Zoom sessions

For support with warehouse orders, surplus, ordering process, and navigating the Hub.

When:  Wednesdays from 9:30-10am 

Hosts:   Materials Management Warehouse Staff

Where: Zoom URL:

View our  Warehouse Wednesdays Presentation


MCPS Staff: Please share your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions to help improve the procurement and quality of materials for our district: Materials Feedback Form 



  • Designs and produces banners, booklets, event programs, tickets, and award certificates for every school.
  • Collaborate with the Office of Shared Accountability to produce and distribute graduation diplomas.
  • Collaborates with the Curriculum Office to design, produce and distribute effective and consistent classroom products for every school.
  • Provides editorial support resources, graphic composition, and print media production for multi-language publishing for all central offices.

Food Services

  • Provide a variety of appealing, high-quality, nutritious meals in a cost-effective and efficient operation.
  • Dedicated employees empowered to promote success for every student serve meals in an innovative learning environment, respectful of each student's needs and differences.


  • Responsible for efficient handling and delivery of supplies, materials, and furniture to the schools.
  • Provides schools with special event staging, displays, tables and folding chairs.
  • Supports the Fine Arts department with the delivery and pickup of drums, xylophones and other large instruments for performances as well as the delivery of art panels for county wide art exhibitions.
  • Supports the Physical Disabilities unit by transferring special needs equipment between schools for students who require specific equipment to learn.
  • Transfers all teacher materials in support of staff relocations.
  • Works with MCPS Athletics to coordinate the transfer of wrestling and dance mats between schools for competitions.

Shop and Supplies

You can now get help with your order or any other warehouse questions by emailing us at:

    • The warehouse store, where every MCPS location, office, and school can order supplies at a low cost!
    • Works collaboratively with the Division of Maintenance to provide bulk distributions of supplies for system wide cleaning.
    • Works collaboratively with the Division of Procurement to establish product bids and contracts to provide low cost commodities.
    • DMM Warehouse


      • Performs procurement, cataloging, and barcoding of media, library titles, online resources, and textbooks for all schools.
      • Facilitates large distributions for schools and central offices.
      • Stocks and distributes all textbook/curriculum materials.


      • Responsible for the barcoding, accounting control, and reporting of all system wide assets including vehicles, buses, maintenance equipment and food service equipment.
      • Collects surplus or discarded items and generates revenue from these items through public auction, with all income reinvested into district operating accounts.
      • Conducts physical inventories at all schools and offices and creates property inventory reports on a yearly basis. 

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      • Science specific warehouse that stocks hands on science materials and equipment that is aligned to the MCPS science curriculum and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
      • Staff prepare and distribute science kits on a rotational basis throughout the year to all elementary schools for use in Pre K through 5 science courses and to all middle schools for STEM based courses. 

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