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Office of Shared Accountability (OSA)

The Office of Shared Accountability (OSA) serves as the official data steward for the school system. OSA optimizes the use and analysis of performance data to inform and increase the practice of data-driven decision making. Through the development and maintenance of data management tools, the office ensures fidelity in the administration of assessments and accuracy in data reporting for the purpose of monitoring students’ progress and performance in the interest of continuous improvement. Furthermore, OSA provides policy analytics and program evaluation as a means to improving systemic practices, processes, and programs. Maintenance of student records, management, and communication of local, state, and federal accountability monitoring and compliance are also integral responsibilities of the office. Click here to view recent OSA publications.

Rachel Carson ES

School Summary Data

principal and student

School Administration

  • Assessment Timelines

    Yearly assessment windows and dates for district-wide and external measures such as the MCAPs, SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement Test and International Baccalaureate Tests


Procedures & Inquiries

Whoo’s Accountability Newsletter